StarDrop" #82『スタードロップ』#82 MARK OAKLEY マーク・オークリー "STARDROP" 『スタードロップ』-When On Earth... 地球では、、、 Translated by Koto Shimokuni Rumble 翻訳:下國 ランブル 琴 (koto-art)

"LAST WORDS…" (日本語は下にあります。)
It’s not really the end! Well, it nearly was. Let me explain.
Stardrop in its original form, runs in a little community paper called, the “Grapevine”. –The community is Wolfville, where I live, and the managing editors of that little paper are thoroughly decent people (who I must say, put up with my cheek in that last chapter with grace and aplomb. They get high marks just for that.). Stardrop is still being produced and will have passed it’s 100th episode by the time this book finds its way into comic shops.
But yes, Stardrop almost really did get canceled. I’d been drawing comics for the paper now for five or six years since its inception, and I’ve seen the Grapevine move through three different sets of owner/editors, all of whom have brought different strengths to the on-going and much love little paper. The latest pair to take the helm are very energetic and bright. They breezed in and did something very smart. Determined to shake things up with fresh energy, they ran a poll asking people to rate the various features offered by the paper. They wanted to know what elements should stay and which could do with a trimming. (They also added more pages and several cool new features.)
Now, polls and surveys have become their own industry and there’s a reason for that. It takes a lot of work to collect, sort and make sense of social information. Many of you, I suspect at some time have been asked to fill out a questionnaire or spend ten minutes of your valuable time answering a telephone survey. I know I have and I don’t usually like it. Thus, out of the couple thousand people who read the Grapevine, less than sixty surveys were returned. Among that number, Stardrop received lackluster approval. The new editors were understandably concerned. This was a bit sad for me, but it’s also the way of the world, so I sighed and thought, “Well, fair enough. Ashelle has had a decent run. Maybe it’s time for something new.” I asked if I could have the space to run just three more episodes in order to wrap up the story. I was granted this, and so I rolled up my sleeves to get to on with it.
Now, it has been jokingly noted that there are three kinds of lies. “Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics!”
Apparently, people who read comics are not the sort of people who fill out polls. As the final episodes of Stardrop began pressing, I found myself stopped in the street to answer for my actions. “What’s going on!?” “Is Stardrop ending?” “What on Earth for?” “But I love Stardrop!”
Word on the street soon reached the ears of the editors and the decision to end Stardrop was soon reversed. This turn of events was certainly a very happy one for me. Indeed, everybody got something out of the process. A shake-up. A freshening of things! Heck, this print edition exists largely because I (all too abruptly) found myself needing to tie the story down at a nice point where things could be easily broken off, packaged up with a cover and made available in proper book form. It has also shaken things up in the writing department. Stardrop has found itself invested with new energies, been sent off in new directions. Sometimes, until threatened with extinction, we simply don’t realize how valuable a thing is to us. The universe comes along periodically and forces us to which is really important. To clean house. We are forced to choose.
Well, the choice has been made and I hope to see you all in the next volume!
Cheers, and I wish you all the very best of days!
Mark Oakley Wolfville, Nova Scotia April, 2010

いや、終わりではないかな! ええと、ほぼ最後ではあるのですが。説明させてください…
マーク・オークリー カナダ、ノバスコシア州ウルフビル 2010年4月

This is StarDrop Volume 2 " A Place to Hang My Space Suit." Please visit Mark Oakley’s website. You can read free comics and buy the English version of his comic books. (Click No.82) I would like to translate Volume 2 someday soon! これはスタードロップのボリューム2です。マーク・オークリーのウェブサイトから英語版の漫画を無料で読めて、購入することもできます。(左側の数字の82をクリックすると英語版を読むことができます。)ボリューム2の翻訳作業は、近い将来とりかかりたいと考えています! http://www.iboxpublishing.com/index_stardrop.php#top_of_strip
