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“My Artwork Exhibition 私のアート作品展覧会”- Cut Paper Art and Collage 切り絵とコラージュ

Writer: koto-artkoto-art

“Showing my Artwork”

Now I am showing my Cut Paper Artwork and Collage Artwork at Jack's Art Gallery in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. They are showing this exhibition during the Deep Roots Music Festival which is held from September 26th-29th 2019 in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’m showing eight of my artwork pieces. I designed these based on nature, human culture and music. I used local art flyers, old magazines and feathers.

Jack's Art Gallery in Wolfville, Nova Scotia is in the Acadia Cinema and Just Us! Coffee House. This building is old and very beautiful. The exhibition is on the wall next to the theatre entrance in the cafe area. When you drink tasty coffee, you can see the art exhibition.





Here is information about The Deep Roots Music Festival ザ・ディープ・ルーツ・ミュージックフェスティバルについてはコチラ:

Here is information about Jack's Art Gallery and the Acadia Cinema ジャックス・アート・ギャラリーとアケィディア・シネマについてはコチラ:

Here is Just Us! Coffee House ジャスト・アス!コーヒーハウスについてはコチラ:

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© 2019 by koto-art・koto-photo, Kotodama Translation Created with

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