“What Ever Happened to Chocolate Cake 何がチョコレートケーキに起ったか?” by koto-art at the Hardware Gallery
“What Ever Happened to French Fries? 何がフライドポテトに起ったか?” by koto-art at the Hardware Gallery
“My Exhibition with other Awesome Artists”
I mentioned the other day about this exhibition called [g]astronomy connected to the Devour Film Festival in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. There was a wonderful opening exhibition event the other day. There were many nice artists showing their great artwork. We really enjoyed our conversation with wine, drinks and food surrounded by food themed art.
I really like this gathering of artists art gallery style because we felt community and we could share our wonderful ideas with everybody. I wish I can join this type of exhibition again in the near future. I will show you some nice photos of artwork by talented artists.
カナダノバスコシア州ウルフビルで開催しているDevour (ガツガツ食する) 映画祭と関連している‘ [g] astronomy (美食)’ というアート展覧会のことを以前紹介しました。先日素晴らしいオープニングイベントが行われました。素敵なアーティストさん達のアート作品が展示されています。食べ物を題材にしたアートに囲まれながら、ワイン、飲み物、食べ物と共に会話を楽しみました。
Art Gallery sign outside アートギャラリーの外の看板
My artwork are on the wall with nice artists’ beautiful paintings. 他のアーティストさんのキレイな絵と並んで飾られた私の作品。
Delicious looking lobster! 美味しそうなロブスター!
Look at this cute LEGO Chicken!! このLEGOでできたチキンを見てください!
Very talented beautiful artwork 才能あふれるとても美しいアート作品
Yummy looking cute creepy cupcakes and beautiful artwork on the wall. 美味しそうなかわいいちょっと気味の悪いカップケーキ達と壁の美しい絵。
About this exhibition この展覧会について
Interesting looking film and QR code! 面白そうな映像とQRコード!
Hardware Gallery: https://www.hardwaregallery.ca/