“Origami Workshop”
I did an Origami Workshop at my elementary school with my students and their teacher the other day. This class is a very interesting class because the teacher gives the “Roots of Empathy Program” experiences for her students. Sometimes the teacher invites guests who are babies, animals and more. I work for this class as an EA. I introduced about Sadako Sasaki from Hiroshima and her Senbazuru (one thousand cranes) story. I showed a video of her story during World War 2 and the aftermath. All the students looked very serious about Sadako’s story. They are almost the same generation as the girl Sadako.
After video time, I started to show how to fold Tsuru (cranes) with Origami paper. I expected and planned for around 30-40 minutes to complete, however, it took almost 1 hour and we could not complete it. So, I finished the last parts for everyone. I wish I had a few assistants! I also shared the story of Origami & Senbazuru (one thousand cranes) and gave them Japanese stickers. The teacher told me that she read a story together and some of them tried to fold Origami again. When the dismissal time, one boy gave me an Origami frog which he created after my workshop. Also, everyone brought their Origami cranes home with them.

Origami frog from a student 生徒さんからもらった折り紙のカエル
Here is a YouTube video link of Sadako Sasaki佐々禎子のビデオ:
Here is about Sadako Sasaki佐々木禎子について: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadako_Sasaki
