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“StarDrop スタードロップ #12” MARK OAKLEY マーク・オークリー Comic 漫画 Translation翻訳 (English and Japanese)

Writer's picture: koto-artkoto-art

"StarDrop" #12『スタードロップ』#12 MARK OAKLEY マーク・オークリー "STARDROP" 『スタードロップ』-When On Earth... 地球では、、、 Translated by Koto Shimokuni Rumble 翻訳:下國 ランブル 琴 (koto-art)

“︎StarDropスタードロップ” Editor’s Note 編集後記

“Secondhand Store Guy’s Frenchys 古着屋 ガイズ ・フレンチーズ”






“Happy Smile”

This is one of my favorite secondhand stores in Nova Scotia, Canada. They sell clothes, shoes, interior goods , books or and more with super reasonable prices. This store started in 1972 in Digby Nova Scotia, Canada.

The IWK Foundation has been a proud charitable partner with Guy's Frenchy's since 2000. (The IWK Foundation is a champion of excellence in women's and children's health and medicine in the Maritimes.)

They sell pretty clean and good condition stuff. I bought New Balance CT691 sneakers this time. They were just $4.99. Most of the stuff is around 3 bucks to 4 or 5 bucks. I stopped buying expensive brands anymore except when I really need to buy something new. I have many reasons to not buy expensive brands. One of the reasons is environmental issues. I would like to recycle and reuse as much as I can.

Young people and ladies are hanging out and enjoying conversation during shopping. Guys are looking for something rare. Kids are playing around moms. The staff are very friendly. Everybody looks happy and smiles at these stores. One of the reasons why I wrote about this store is, there is a scene of this secondhand store in StarDrop :)

古着の宝探し Recycle Clothing Treasure Hunt

New Balance CT691 sneakers

価格表 Price List (Image from Yelp)

ガイズ・フレンチーズ Guy’s Frenchys

古着屋にいるアシェル Ashelle in the secondhand store

・マーク・オークリー氏のウェブサイトをご覧ください。英語版の漫画を無料で読めて、購入することもできます。(左側の数字の14をクリックすると英語版を読むことができます。) Please visit Mark Oakley’s website. You can read free comics and buy the English version of his comic books. (Click No.14)

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