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“What Ever Happened to Chocolate Cake?” 『何がチョコレートケーキに起ったか?』 Cut Paper Art & Collage切り絵とコラージュ

Writer: koto-artkoto-art

"What Ever Happened to Chocolate Cake" 何がチョコレートケーキに起こったか?

“What Ever Happened to Jelly Beans” Project

Music Animals-baths


This art is for the “Whatever Happened to Jelly Beans” Project. This is the third artwork out of 13 paintings.

Hmm… Who likes chocolate cake? I love the look of chocolate cake. I wanted to created this art as just a little bit spooky image because I like “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, Movies by Tim Burton, books and art by Edward Gorey, paintings by Kuniyoshi Utagawa, the movie and musical of Beetlejuice or novels and movies of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and more… I like pretty images a little bit scary or spooky with life lesson stories or fantasy stories.

So, I hope this art will take you to enter the mysterious wonderland as soon as you see this chocolate cake. You might feel that’s because you had a bite of this chocolate cake… hahaha!

Welcome to the “What Ever Happened to Chocolate Cake?” world.



ひと目見れば、このチョコレートが、神秘的な不思議の国に君たちを誘ってくれることだろうよ。きっと、このチョコレートケーキをひと口食べたからだと思うのではないかな。。。ははは! ようこそ『何がチョコレートケーキに起ったか?』の世界へ!

Edward Gorey:

Kuniyoshi Utagawa:

Tim Burton:

Alice Adventures in Wonderland:


Willy Wonka:

・About this art project このアートプロジェクトについてはコチラ↓


© 2019 by koto-art・koto-photo, Kotodama Translation Created with

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