What Ever Happened to Elephants? 何がゾウに起ったか?
What Ever Happened to Elephants? 何がゾウに起ったか? What Ever Happened to Jelly Beans art project. 何がジェリービーンズに起ったかアートプロジェクト Music: AD Jo Johanna Maret by Skaidi

I haven’t prepared to lose this beautiful land yet.
I want to live and drink water. I want to live and play with animals. I want to live and eat delicious food. I want to live and watch the gorgeous dawn and dusk. I want to live and make something wonderful. I want to live and talk with my family.
I wonder how we will live without losing this beautiful land.

まだ生きて、水を飲みたい。 まだ生きて、動物と触れ合いたい。 まだ生きて、美味しいものを食べたい。 まだ生きて、綺麗な夜明けと日没を眺めていたい。 まだ生きて、何か素敵なものを作っていたい。 まだ生きて、家族と語っていたい。

I’m interested in an African art style called ‘Tingatinga.’ The colors have impact. Beautiful animals jump into my eyes. This art attracts me with its bright paint.

・About Tingatinga Art, Source: Wikipedia. Tingatinga (painting) (February.2.2018). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tingatinga_(painting)
・About Tingatinga Art, Japanese source: ウィキペディア. ティンガティンガ(2016/3/22). Retrieved from https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AC%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AC
