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What Ever Happened to Unicorns? 何がユニコーンに起ったか?Cut Paper Art 切り絵 Collage コラージュ

Writer's picture: koto-artkoto-art

What Ever Happened to Unicorns? 何がユニコーンに起こったか?

What Ever Happened to Jelly Beans art project

何がジェリービーンズに起こったかプロジェクトby koto-art

Music-Aerocity-Love Lost


This art is for the “Whatever Happened to Jelly Beans” Project. This is the fourth artwork out of 13 paintings.

Unicorns. Beautiful creatures. They were graceful and full of wildness.

We are holographic by nature in that within each of us is a universe of knowledge, a divine spark of soul that reflects and is part of the universal soul. “Uni” in Latin means one. We are all capable of unity consciousness. Through self- exploration and self-awareness we maintain a relationship with all life in a balanced and harmonious way- Jane Ely D.MIN. “Coming into Balance ”A Guide for Activating Your True Potential p28

I remember this quote when I think about unicorns. I created this colored paper art with an old calendar of ‘Treaty Education of Nova Scotia.’ When I imagined unicorns, I didn’t know why but I wanted to use this beautiful old calendar for the background of the unicorn cut paper art. The “Whatever Happened to Jelly Beans” Project is very interesting. As I mentioned the very first time for this project, this poem is from Jack Zéreau. He created this poem for kids and adults regarding environmental issues. When I complete the 13 pictures, I will share his whole poem with my art. I would like to introduce this to kids all over the world and want them to create their own art projects. I’m thinking about creating Jack Zéreau’s interview post in the near future.



私たちは本質によりホログラフィックです。一人ひとりの内面は知識の大宇宙(universe)であり、普遍的な魂を投影する魂の神聖なひらめきであり、普遍的な魂の一部なのです。UNI(ユニ)というのはラテン語でひとつという意味です。私たちは、皆で意識をひとつにすることができます。自己分析と自己認識を通じてバランスを取り調和して、生きとし生けるものすべての関係を持続します。『バランスを手にする:あなたの真の潜在力を活性化させるための手引き』ジェーン•イライ 牧会学博士著 p28より下國•ランブル 琴 訳


‘Treaty Education of Nova Scotia’

Here is a previous post of this art projectこのアートプロジェクトの以前の投稿はコチラ↓:

About Dr. Jane Ely ジェーン・イライ氏についてはコチラ↓:

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